In 2021 the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) concluded that "A concern for genotoxicity of TiO2 particles that may be present in E 171 could therefore not be ruled out.". A detailed review of the genotoxicity of titanium dioxide (TiO2) was subsequently published by Kirkland et al. (2022) using a comprehensive weight of evidence (WoE) approach in which test systems and endpoints were allocated different levels of relevance. At that time only 34 publications met the reliability and quality criteria for being most relevant in the evaluation of genotoxicity, and based on these it was concluded that the existing evidence did not support a direct DNA damaging mechanism for TiO2. Recently a number of regulatory opinions have been published, in which papers were cited that described in vitro DNA damage (mainly comet), mode of action, and cellular uptake studies that were not discussed in Kirkland et al. (2022). Furthermore, a number of additional papers have been published recently or have been identified from the regulatory opinions as a result of using extended search criteria. A total of 70 publications not previously reviewed in Kirkland et al. (2022) have been reviewed here, and again show that the published data on the genotoxicity of TiO2 are inconsistent, often of poor quality, and in some cases difficult to interpret. The cellular uptake studies show some evidence of cytoplasmic uptake, particularly in cells treated in vitro, but there is no convincing evidence of nuclear uptake. In terms of genotoxicity, the conclusions of Kirkland et al. (2022) that existing evidence does not support a direct DNA damaging mechanism for titanium dioxide (including nano forms), and that the main mechanism leading to TiO2 genotoxicity is most likely indirect damage to DNA through generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), are still valid.
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