Since its conception some fifty years ago, metabolic control analysis (MCA) aims to understand how cells control their metabolism by adjusting the activity of their enzymes. Here we extend its scope to a whole-cell context. We consider metabolism in the evolutionary context of growth-rate maximisation by optimisation of protein concentrations. This framework allows for the prediction of flux control coefficients from proteomics data or stoichiometric modelling. Since genes compete for finite biosynthetic resources, we treat all protein concentrations as interdependent. We show that elementary flux modes (EFMs) emerge naturally as the optimal metabolic networks in the whole-cell context and we derive their control properties. In the evolutionary optimum, the number of expressed EFMs is determined by the number of protein-concentration constraints that limit growth rate. We use published glucose-limited chemostat data of S. cerevisiae to illustrate that it uses only two EFMs prior to the onset of fermentation and that it uses four EFMs during fermentation. We discuss published enzyme-titration data to show that S. cerevisiae and E. coli indeed can express proteins at growth-rate maximising concentrations. Accordingly, we extend MCA to elementary flux modes operating at an optimal state. We find that the expression of growth-unassociated proteins changes results from classical metabolic control analysis. Finally, we show how flux control coefficients can be estimated from proteomics and ribosome-profiling data. We analyse published proteomics data of E. coli to provide a whole-cell perspective of the control of metabolic enzymes on growth rate. We hope that this paper stimulates a renewed interest in metabolic control analysis, so that it can serve again the purpose it once had: to identify general principles that emerge from the biochemistry of the cell and are conserved across biological species.
Keywords: Elementary flux modes; Enzyme kinetics; Metabolic control analysis; Whole cell models.
Copyright © 2023. Published by Elsevier B.V.