In Defense of "Physician-Assisted Suicide": Toward (and Back to) a Transparent, Destigmatizing Debate

Camb Q Healthc Ethics. 2024 Nov 7:1-12. doi: 10.1017/S0963180124000434. Online ahead of print.


Many bioethicists have recently shifted from using "physician-assisted suicide" (PAS) to "medical aid-in-dying" (MAID) to refer to the act of voluntarily hastening one's death with the assistance of a medical provider. This shift was made to obscure the practice's connection to "suicide." However, as the charge of "suicide" is fundamental to arguments against the practice, "MAID" can only be used by its proponents. The result has been the fragmentation of the bioethical debate. By highlighting the role of human agency-as opposed to natural processes-in causing death, the term "PAS" makes it easier both to perceive potential risks to vulnerable populations and to affirm suicide as a potentially autonomous choice. As such, "PAS" thus more transparently expresses the arguments of both supporters and opponents of the "right to die," while avoiding the unnecessary stigmatization of suicide and suicidal people which is a result of the usage of "MAID."

Keywords: disability rights; end of life; medical aid-in-dying; physician assisted death; physician-assisted suicide; suicidism.