Saliva is crucial in maintaining oral health; its composition reflects the body's physiological and diseased state. Among salivary components, antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) stand out for their broad antimicrobial activities and role in modulating the oral microbiota and innate immune response. Local and systemic diseases can affect the levels of AMPs in saliva, making them attractive biomarkers. However, the large variability in their concentrations hampers their use in diagnostics. Knowledge of the various factors influencing the profile of salivary AMPs is essential for their use as biomarkers. Here, we examine how lifestyle factors such as physical activity, dietary supplementation, tobacco smoking, and psychological stress impact salivary AMP levels. By understanding these sources of variability, we can take a step forward in using AMPs for diagnostics and prognostics and develop new tailored and preventative approaches.
Keywords: antimicrobial peptides’ profiles; biomarkers; lifestyle; saliva; variability.