Guidelines specify that clinicians should support patients living with obesity by referring to weight management programmes (WMPs), but clinicians do so infrequently. To provide additional support to patients living with obesity and weight-related conditions, the UK government instated the National Enhanced Service (NES) for weight management in England, including a reimbursement to general practices for referring eligible patients to WMPs. To assess the impact of the NES on conversations regarding weight and relevant behavioural risk factors in primary care consultations we recruited 11 medical practices in England where the NES was operating and six comparator practices from Scotland and Wales where the NES was not implemented. Clinicians audio-recorded annual review appointments of patients living with obesity and hypertension and/or diabetes. The content of these consultations was synthesised using quantitative content analysis. Consultations with 92 patients were analysed: 58 in England and 34 in Scotland and Wales. No difference was found between the NES sites (England) and non-NES sites (Scotland and Wales) in the proportion of referrals made to WMPs. Clinicians in England weighed patients and took other body measurements more often, mentioned body mass index more often, and had more detailed discussions about patients' diets, but there was no evidence that they differed in their discussion of WMPs or other modifiable risk factors. We found no strong evidence that the NES affected how clinicians addressed weight management or related behavioural risk factors within annual review consultations for patients living with obesity and hypertension and/or diabetes.
Keywords: National Enhanced Service; diabetes; hypertension; obesity; primary care; weight management.
© 2024 The Author(s). Clinical Obesity published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of World Obesity Federation.