Ocean waves are significantly damped by biogenic surfactants, which accumulate at the sea surface in every ocean basin. The growth, development, and breaking of short wind-driven surface waves are key mediators of the air-sea exchange of momentum, heat and trace gases. The mechanisms through which surfactants suppress waves have been studied in great detail through careful laboratory experimentation in quasi-one-dimensional wave tanks. However, the spatial scales over which this damping occurs in structurally complex surfactant slicks on the real ocean have not been resolved. Here, we present the results of field observations of the spatial response of decimetre- to millimetre-scale waves to biogenic surfactant slicks. We found that wave damping in organic material-rich coastal waters resulted in a net (spatio-temporally averaged) reduction of approximately 50% in wave slope variance relative to the open ocean for low to moderate wind speeds. This reduction of wave slope variance is understood to result in a corresponding reduction in momentum input to the wave field. This significant effect had thus far evaded quantification due in large part to the enormous range of scales required for its description-spanning the sea surface microlayer to the ocean submesoscale.
Keywords: air–sea interaction; rheology; surfactants; wave damping; waves.