Versatile Xylose and Arabinose Genetic Switches development for Yeasts

Metab Eng. 2024 Nov 11:S1096-7176(24)00146-0. doi: 10.1016/j.ymben.2024.11.004. Online ahead of print.


Inducible transcription systems are essential tools in genetic engineering, where tight control, strong inducibility and fast response with cost-effective inducers are highly desired. However, existing systems in yeasts are rarely used in large-scale fermentations due to either cost-prohibitive inducers or incompatible performance. Here, we developed powerful xylose and arabinose induction systems in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, utilizing eukaryotic activators XlnR and AraRA from Aspergillus species and bacterial repressors XylR and AraRR. By integrating these signals into a highly-structured synthetic promoter, we created dual-mode systems with strong outputs and minimal leakiness. These systems demonstrated over 4000- and 300-fold regulation with strong activation and rapid response. The dual-mode xylose system was fully activated by xylose-rich agricultural residues like corncob hydrolysate, outperforming existing systems in terms of leakiness, inducibility, dynamic range, induction rate, and growth impact on host. We validated their utility in metabolic engineering with high-titer linalool production and demonstrated the transferability of the XlnR-based xylose induction system to Pichia pastoris, Candida glabrata and Candida albicans. This work provides robust genetic switches for yeasts and a general strategy for integrating activation-repression signals into synthetic promoters to achieve optimal performance.

Keywords: Genetic switches; Lignocellulosic biomass bioconversion; Metabolic engineering; Promoter Engineering; Synthetic biology.