Biosurfactants, naturally produced by plants and microorganisms, closely mimic synthetic surfactants in physiochemical properties, making them valuable alternatives in various applications. They serve as antimicrobial agents and play a crucial role in immune regulations. These compounds find wide use in industries like food processing, biodegradation, pharmaceuticals, and naturally present in the skin, brain, lungs, and gut, maintaining membrane permeability for organ health. This review outlines the basic characteristics and classes of biosurfactants (glycolipids, lipopeptides, phospholipids, and glycoproteins) and explores their biomedical importance, emphasizing their anti-adhesive, antimicrobial, and immune-modulating properties. This review aimed to provide outline the fundamental characteristics of biosurfactants and deliver a brief overview of their different classes, including glycolipids, lipopeptides, phospholipids, and glycoproteins. Furthermore, this review also explore their biomedical significance, highlighting their anti-adhesive, antimicrobial, and immune-modulating properties.
Keywords: Anti-adhesive; Anti-microbial; Biomedicine; Biosurfactants; Surfactant proteins.
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