Recent experiments in polariton chemistry indicate that reaction rates can be significantly enhanced or suppressed inside an optical cavity. One possible explanation for the rate modulation involves the cavity mode altering the intramolecular vibrational energy redistribution (IVR) pathways by coupling to specific molecular vibrations in the vibrational strong coupling (VSC) regime. However, the mechanism for such a cavity-mediated modulation of IVR is yet to be understood. In a recent study, Ahn et al. [Science 380, 1165 (2023)] observed that the rate of alcoholysis of phenyl isocyanate (PHI) is considerably suppressed when the cavity mode is tuned to be resonant with the isocyanate (NCO) stretching mode of PHI. Here, we analyze the quantum and classical IVR dynamics of a model effective Hamiltonian for PHI involving the high-frequency NCO-stretch mode and two of the key low-frequency phenyl ring modes. We compute various indicators of the extent of IVR in the cavity-molecule system and show that tuning the cavity frequency to the NCO-stretching mode strongly perturbs the cavity-free IVR pathways. Subsequent IVR dynamics involving the cavity and the molecular anharmonic resonances lead to efficient scrambling of an initial NCO-stretching overtone state over the molecular quantum number space. We also show that the hybrid light-matter states of the effective Hamiltonian undergo a localization-delocalization transition in the VSC regime.
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