Tasks with high mental workload often involve higher cognitive functions of the human brain and complex information flow involving multiple brain regions. However, the dynamics of functional connectivity between brain regions during high mental workload have not been well-studied. We use an analysis approach designed to find repeating network states from gamma-band phase locking value networks built from electroencephalograph data collected while participants engaged in tasks with different levels of mental workload. First, we define network states as results of clustering based on the closeness centrality node-level network metric. Second, we found that the transition between network states is not completely random. And, we found significant differences in network state statistics between low and high mental workload. Third, we found significant correlation between features calculated from the network state sequence and behavioral performance. Finally, we use dynamic network features as input to a support vector machine classifier and obtain cross-participant average decoding accuracy of 69.6%. Our methods provide a new perspective for analyzing the dynamics of electroencephalograph signals and have potential application to the decoding of mental workload level.
Supplementary information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s11571-024-10101-4.
Keywords: Brain networks; Dynamic functional connectivity; Electroencephalograph; Mental workload.
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