Artificial intelligence has burst into our lives with great vigor in recent years. We encounter it in all areas of life, as well as in the field of medicine. The article refers to medical ethics in two areas: One field is medicine based on Mega Data and the other is the chatbot or ChatGPT. These two fields basically operate in three stages: collecting data, building a logarithm and drawing conclusions and a course of action. During the data collection phase, as doctors we must not forget to preserve the autonomy and medical confidentiality of the patient. Despite all the technology and innovations, in the end, the doctor makes decisions with the cooperation of the patient and the discretion on whether to use the diagnosis, treatment and knowledge which remains in the hands of the doctor. In the realm of research in reviewing materials and writing articles, when artificial intelligence is used, caution and criticality should be exercised, since the results obtained when using artificial intelligence can be doubly misleading.