The Italian version of the Coma Recovery Scale for Pediatrics

Minerva Pediatr (Torino). 2024 Nov 21. doi: 10.23736/S2724-5276.24.07575-X. Online ahead of print.


Background: The Coma Recovery Scale for Pediatrics (CRS-P) is a modified version of the Coma Recovery Scale-Revised (CRS-R). This CRS-P looks at behavioral responses and diagnoses Coma, Vegetative State, MCS and E-MCS in pediatric age. It is an ordinal scale consisting of 29 items divided into 6 subscales. The CRS-R is a gold standard for the assessment of adults with disorders of consciousness (DOC) and is also recommended for children, following the American Guidelines.

Methods: The CRS-P was translated and culturally adapted into Italian by two independent translators in order to test an adapted Italian version on Italian children.

Results: We found conceptual, semantic and content correspondence between the original version and the preliminary version of the CRS-P in Italian.

Conclusions: The Italian CRS-P version can be tested on Italian children and then validated.