The fresh fruits of 'Grande Naine' (Cavendish AAA-Musa spp.) dominate the world market, especially in countries with a population in a situation of social vulnerability. However, Fusarium wilt, caused by the fungus Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense race 4 Subtropical (Foc ST4), emerges as a serious threat to banana production, requiring the development of resistant cultivars based on biotechnological strategies, such as the induction of mutation in tissue culture. This study aimed to identify and characterize genetic variation in somaclones resistant to Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense subtropical race 4 (Foc ST4), derived from 'Grand Naine' bananas, by molecular markers based on retrotransposons IRAP (Inter-retrotransposon Amplified Polymorphism) and REMAP (Retrotransposon-Microsatellite Amplified Polymorphism). Nine combinations of IRAP and six combinations of REMAP primers were used. The low number of polymorphic bands did not allow for genetic diversity studies; however, ten polymorphic bands between the somaclones and control were sequenced. Of these, three presented good base calling and were aligned, namely, 1AF, 2AF, and 3AF bands. Only the 1AF band presented function related to stress response with homology to a calcium-binding protein. These proteins act early in plant infection as secondary messengers activated by pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), initiating the cascade of plant defense signals. The fact that this band is present in all somaclones reinforces previous assessments of their resistance to Foc ST4. The use of markers IRAP and REMAP produced polymorphic bands that can, through future primer design and field validations, accelerate the identification of resistant banana genotypes for use in banana genetic breeding programs.
Keywords: BLAST; Foc ST4; IRAP; REMAP; retrotransposons.