The purpose of this study is to describe the development and initial validation of a survey focused on problematic situations involving e-cigarette use by rural Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (NHPI) youths. A 5-phase approach to test development and validation was used. In Phase 1 (Item Generation), survey items were created from a series of focus groups with middle school youths on Hawai'i Island (N = 69). In Phase 2 (Item Refinement and Selection), situational items were reduced to 40 e-cigarette offer situations that were selected for inclusion in the survey. In Phase 3 (Item Reduction), items were administered to 257 youths from 11 middle, intermediate, or multi-level public or public-charter schools on Hawai'i Island. Exploratory factor analysis indicated the presence of three factors accounting for 50% of the variance: E-Cigarette Offers from Friends (24%), E-Cigarette Offers from Non-Friends (16%), and Coercive Pressure to Use E-Cigarettes (10%). Hypothesized relationships between offer situations and e-cigarette use were partially confirmed, supporting the construct validity of the survey. This survey helps to fill the scientific and practice gap in measuring ecodevelopmental risk and protection for e-cigarette use and has implications for e-cigarette use prevention with rural, NHPI, and/or Indigenous youth populations.
Keywords: Native Hawaiian; Pacific Islander; e-cigarette; test development; youth.