Contrast media (CM) were first used soon after the discovery of X-rays in 1895. Ever since, continuous technological development and pharmaceutical research has led to tremendous progress in radiology, more available techniques and contrast media, and expanded knowledge around their indications. A greater prevalence of chronic diseases, population ageing, and the rise in diagnosis and survival times among cancer patients have resulted in a growing demand for diagnostic imaging and an increased consumption of CM. This article presents the main lines of research in CM development which seek to minimise toxicity and maximise efficacy, opening up new diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities through new molecules or nanomedicine. The sector, which is continuously evolving, faces challenges such as shortages and the need for more equitable and sustainable practices.
Keywords: Computed tomography; Contrast media; Diagnostic imaging; Diagnóstico por imágenes; Ecografía; Gadolinio; Gadolinium; Image enhancement; Iodine; Magnetic resonance imaging; Mammography; Mamografía; Medios de contraste; Radiology; Radiología; Realce de la imagen; Resonancia magnética; Tomografía computarizada; Ultrasonography; Yodo.
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