1 Emergency Department, Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière, Assistance-Publique Hôpitaux de Paris, Paris, France.
2 Sorbonne Université, Improving Emergency Care (IMPEC) FHU, Paris, France.
3 Department of Emergency Medicine, Center for Vascular Emergencies, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
4 Department of Emergency Medicine, Kaiser Permanente Vallejo Medical Center, Vallejo, California, USA.
5 Kaiser Permanente Northern California Division of Research, Pleasanton, California, USA.
6 Department of Emergency Medicine, Kaiser Permanente Roseville Medical Center, Roseville, California, USA.
7 Department of Emergency Medicine, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
8 Department of Emergency Medicine, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, Michigan, USA.
9 Emergency Department, University Hospital of Angers, Angers, France.
10 UNIV Angers, UMR MitoVasc CNRS 6215 INSERM 1083, Angers, France.
11 Department of Medicine, Clinical Epidemiology and Research Center, IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital, Milan, Italy.
12 Division of Hematology & Thromboembolism, and Thrombosis and Atherosclerosis Research Institute (TaARI), McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.