With cancer now the leading cause of death, the importance of palliative care importance is increasingly evident. However, the focus of current policies is on inpatient and home-based care, which neglects the specialized needs of outpatients and results in many not receiving timely palliative care. Integrating palliative care into outpatient clinics using standardized referral criteria and automated systems will allow for timely patient selection and intervention, early symptom management, and psychological support as well as promote patient autonomy in treatment decision-making. Specialized oncology palliative care nurses play a crucial role in related assessment, care planning, and implementation activities. They help patients and families cope with disease progression and end-of-life care through education and support. Early outpatient palliative care benefits many patients and families, realizing a holistic and comprehensive care model.
Title: 適時安寧緩和療護於門診推動之策略.
Keywords: advanced practice nurse; hospice care; oncology outpatient; palliative care.