Transition to Seizure from Cellular, Network, and Dynamical Perspectives

In: Jasper's Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies. 5th edition. New York: Oxford University Press; 2024. Chapter 9.


The cellular and network mechanisms of seizure emergence (ictogenesis) remain unknown. Recent studies brought new fundamental insights about the complex nature of seizure genesis and the dynamical principles that govern the shift of epileptic networks dynamics into the seizure state. In this chapter, we describe new perspectives on how to approach understanding ictogenesis. Primarily, we focus on the latest data about the dynamical pathways and pathophysiological processes that drive the transition to seizure. In addition, we review recent evidence about the existence of long-term fluctuations in seizure likelihood which represent a missing piece in the mosaic of ictogenesis. We demonstrate that combining the cellular and network mechanisms at multiple temporal scales (ranging from epileptogenesis to seizure initiation) is a crucial step to a unified theory of seizure genesis.

Publication types

  • Review