Vascularized composite allografts (VCA) encompass the face, upper limb, trachea, penis, abdominal wall, and, more recently, uterus transplants. They offer unique reconstructive possibilities to overcome the limitations of traditional reconstructive techniques. Unlike solid organ transplants (heart, liver, kidney, lung, etc.), VCA is not generally performed in a life-threatening situation but aims to improve quality of life, at the cost of a major constraint to its expansion: the need for lifelong immunosuppressive treatment. Nevertheless, VCA is considered one of the five most important innovations of the modern era of the discipline, and a worldwide survey of plastic surgeons has confirmed that significant changes in reconstructive surgery will be related to VCA in the future. France pioneered this type of transplantation by successfully performing the first VCA (unilateral hand transplant), the first double hand transplant, the first face transplant, the first face retransplant, and the first bilateral shoulder and arm transplant, and continues to demonstrate unprecedented surgical prowess. This activity continues to expand across the country, with active VCA programs notably in the upper limb, face, uterus and penis. This article aims to provide an update on the clinical advances made in France in the field of composite tissue allografts.
Keywords: Allogreffes de tissus composites; Face transplant; Greffe de pénis; Greffe de visage; Greffes de mains; Hand transplant; Limb transplantation; Penis transplant; Transplantation; Vascularized composite allografts.
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