Modified Lateral Supraorbital Craniotomy with Posterior Orbitotomy and Anterior Clinoidectomy for Resection of a Midline Planum and Tuberculum Sellae Meningioma

J Neurol Surg Rep. 2024 Nov 29;85(4):e178. doi: 10.1055/s-0044-1795096. eCollection 2024 Oct.


The patient is a 51-year-old woman who had been experiencing syncope and near-syncopal events for at least 10 years with an otherwise benign neurological exam. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed an extra-axial mass consistent with a midline planum and tuberculum sellae meningioma, for which the patient opted to have resected. We demonstrate how performing a posterior orbitotomy with anterior clinoidectomy can enhance a lateral supraorbital craniotomy. The patient did well following surgery, with marked improvement in syncopal symptoms. Pertinent surgical anatomy and techniques are highlighted in this video demonstration.

Keywords: anatomy; case report; craniotomy; meningioma; surgical video.