The topological properties of gapped graphene have been explored for valleytronics applications. Prior transport experiments indicated their topological nature through large nonlocal resistance in Hall-bar devices, but the origin of this resistance was unclear. This study focused on dual-gate bilayer graphene (BLG) devices with naturally cleaved edges, examining how edge-etching with an oxygen plasma process affects electron transport. Before etching, local resistance at the charge neutral point increased exponentially with the displacement field and nonlocal resistance was well explained by ohmic contribution, which is typical of gapped BLG. After-etching, however, local resistance saturated with increasing displacement field, and nonlocal resistance deviated by 2 orders of magnitude from ohmic contribution. We suggest that these significant changes in local and nonlocal resistance arise from the formation of edge conducting pathways after the edge-etching, rather than from a topological property of gapped BLG that has been claimed in previous literatures.
Keywords: Bilayer graphene; edge transport; etched boundary; tunable band gap; valley Hall effects.