Insomnia is highly prevalent and is one of the most common sleep disorders amongst adults and children in the US. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) convened the Quality Measures Task Force (Task Force) to perform maintenance on this quality measure set, developed to optimize management and care for patients with insomnia, as the measure set was originally developed and published in 2015. The Task Force reviewed the current medical literature, including updated clinical practice guidelines and systematic literature reviews, existing quality measures, and performance data highlighting gaps or variations in care since implementation of the original quality measure set to inform any potential revisions to the quality measures. The revised quality measures can be used to evaluate and track initial and follow-up performance measures and to implement continuous quality improvement, especially in outcomes associated with diagnosing and managing insomnia for adults and children.
Keywords: insomnia; quality measures; treatment.
© 2024 American Academy of Sleep Medicine.