Validation and expansion of Baveno VII criteria for cACLD and CSPH based on liver stiffness and platelet count: Correlation with risk of hepatic decompensation and death

Hepatology. 2024 Dec 17. doi: 10.1097/HEP.0000000000001183. Online ahead of print.


Background and aims: Recently proposed "Rule-of-Five" criteria define compensated advanced chronic liver disease (cACLD) and clinically significant portal hypertension (CSPH) using liver stiffness (LS) and platelet count. We aimed to validate these criteria by determining whether they are associated with risk of adverse outcomes.

Approach and results: Patients without prior hepatic decompensation or HCC who underwent LS and platelet measurements (n = 17,076) were categorized as follows: no cACLD (LS: 2.5-9.9 kPa); probable cACLD (LS: 10-14.9 kPa); certain cACLD-no CSPH (LS: 15-19.9 kPa and platelets ≥110,000/µL or LS 20-24.9 kPa and platelets ≥150,000/µL); probable CSPH (LS 15-19.9 kPa and platelets <110,000/µL or LS 20-24.9 and platelets <150,000/µL); and certain CSPH (LS ≥25 kPa), which we further subdivided into 25-49.9 and 50-75 kPa.During a median follow-up of 2.82 years, each increase in the "Rule-of-Five" category was associated linearly with higher risks of death (HR: 1.22, 95% CI: 1.18-1.25) and decompensation (HR: 1.52, 95% CI: 1.46-1.58). Compared to patients with LS 25-49.9 kPa, those with LS 50-75 kPa ("critical" CSPH) had approximately double the risk of decompensation (11.24 vs. 4.20 per 100 patient-years) and death (9.85 vs. 6.98 per 100 patient-years).

Conclusions: The Baveno VII "Rule-of-Five" criteria provide a valid system for stratifying risks of death and hepatic decompensation and should be used routinely in patients with chronic liver disease. Among patients with CSPH (LS ≥25 kPa), the subgroup with LS 50-75 kPa ("critical" CSPH) has approximately double the risk of death and hepatic decompensation than LS 25-49.9 kPa.