ARPA-H for Radiologists: Novel Funding Opportunities and Results of a National Survey

Acad Radiol. 2024 Dec 17:S1076-6332(24)00846-8. doi: 10.1016/j.acra.2024.11.001. Online ahead of print.


The Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) is a new federal agency established by the Biden administration in March 2022 to accelerate US government-funded biomedical and health solutions. ARPA-H has a distinct operating model, leadership structure, and funds flow separate from the National Institutes of Health. In 2023, the Association of Academic Radiology formed a Radiology Research Alliance taskforce to better understand the mission, vision, and guiding principles of ARPA-H and relevance to radiology and biomedical imaging research. This white paper summarizes the findings of the taskforce with particular relevance to radiology & biomedical imaging researchers. The article begins with a background of ARPA-H history, principles, and organization. Next, we describe the application and review process, timelines, and tips for investigators. Subsequently, we summarize recent/upcoming programs and examples of successful awards, highlighting potential opportunities for radiology researchers. Because the agency is not disease or specialty-specific, it is incumbent upon investigators to brainstorm potential funding opportunities. Therefore, the taskforce conducted a national survey of radiology research leaders in collaboration with The Academy for Radiology & Biomedical Imaging Research, designed to identify cutting-edge developments and opportunities for the field, including suitable targets for ARPA-H funding.

Keywords: ARPA-H; Academy; Funding; Grants; RRA; Research; Survey.