The study of primate auditory morphology is a significant area of interest for comparative anatomists, given the phylogenetic relationships that link primate hearing and the morphology of these auditory structures. Extensive literature addresses the form-to-function relationship of the auditory system (outer, middle, and inner ear) in primates and, by extension, provides insight into the auditory system of extinct primates and even modern humans. We add to this literature by describing the ontogenetic trajectory of the middle ear cavity and ossicular chain (malleus, incus, and stapes) due to their critical role in relaying auditory stimuli for interpretation. We examined middle ear morphology in neonatal primates and adult primates using a taxonomically broad sample. We focused primarily on nocturnal primate taxa (Daubentonia, Loris, Galago, Aotus, and Tarsier), which are underrepresented in the literature. However, we also included three diurnal taxa (Macaca, Lemur, and Saguinus). Using 3D Slicer, we visualized middle ear structures in three dimensions using conventional micro CT data informed by diffusible iodine-based contrast-enhanced CT (diceCT) data. We illustrated how spatial relationships between otic elements, such as the various epitympanic sinuses of the middle ear and the auditory ossicles, vary throughout ontogeny. Our major findings include that the central tympanic cavity scaled with negative allometry in all taxa and that the accessory cavities scaled with isometry or positive allometry in most taxa. Despite these changes in chamber size, the size of the ear ossicles remained relatively consistent through ontogeny in most taxa. We confirmed our expectation that anthropoids exhibit an increase in the complexity of accessory cavities throughout ontogeny, mirroring the exponential pneumatization of the face in anthropoids. These findings provide an ontogenetic perspective and reveal further functional complexities of the middle ear as a conduit for sound proliferation and as a pressure regulator.
Keywords: comparative anatomy; cranial development; micro‐CT; middle ear.
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