Pharmacoequity is a health system and policy goal of ensuring equitable access to high-quality medications for all individuals, regardless of factors such as race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, or resource availability to reduce health disparities. Although measurement frameworks have been widely used in health equity contexts, a focused framework for pharmacoequity remains a critical gap. In this article, we introduce a novel pharmacoequity measurement framework anchored in the patient medication-use journey. The framework includes the following domains: (1) access to health care services, (2) prescription generation, (3) primary medication nonadherence, (4) secondary medication nonadherence, and (5) medication monitoring. For each domain, we provide examples of outcome measures and potential data sources that can be used for evaluation. We also outline an implementation workflow of the pharmacoequity measurement framework that population health stakeholders can use across various settings (eg, health systems, health plans). The framework provides a structured approach to identify existing gaps in the path toward achieving pharmacoequity and lay the foundation for targeted interventions. Additionally, it enables ongoing monitoring of progress toward achieving pharmacoequity while identifying interventions that are effective, scalable, and sustainable.