Acquired Pes Planovalgus : Current Concepts - "From Adult Acquired Pes Planovalgus to Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity"

Rev Bras Ortop (Sao Paulo). 2024 Dec 21;59(6):e809-e814. doi: 10.1055/s-0044-1793823. eCollection 2024 Dec.


The clinical disorder traditionally known as pes planovalgus due to posterior tibial tendon insufficiency or adult-acquired pes planovalgus has been the subject of several publications over the past two decades. Now, it is understood that the problem does not lie in the posterior tibial tendon per se and may even occur without tendon injury. Studies have brought new concepts and understanding that question the views on this subject, culminating in the replacement of existing classifications with one that is more assertive and discriminative of the potential presentation patterns of the deformity. In addition, a change in the name of the disorder to progressive collapsing foot deformity (PCFD) has been proposed. Regarding surgical treatment, the concept of an à la carte approach persists, emphasizing axis realignment through osteotomies, arthrodeses, and soft tissue balancing, which consists of tendon transpositions/repairs and reconstruction of ligament structures, especially the deltoid ligament complex and the spring ligament.

Keywords: adult; flatfoot; foot deformities; posterior tibial tendon dysfunction.

Grants and funding

Suporte Financeiro RZ declara suporte para este manuscrito da International Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. CCN declara bolsas ou contratos da bolsa de pesquisa da Paragon 28, OREF, e University of Iowa; royalties ou licensas da Paragon 28, Medartis e Extremity Medical; taxas de consultoria para a Paragon 28, Zimmer-Biomet, Medartis e Stryker; pagamentos recebidos da Extremity Medical e da Artelon; pagamentos ou honorários recebidos da Paragon 28, Zimmer-Biomet, Medartis e Stryker; pagamentos recebidos da Artelon; pagamento por depoimento de especialista para a Stryker e a Paragon 28; apoio por comparecer a reuniões e/ou viagens da CurveBeam, Paragon 28, Zimmer-Biomet e Stryker; liderança ou papel fiduciário na Foot and Ankle Clinics como editor-chefe, membro dos comitês da AOFAS e da AAOS, pagamentos recebidos da FAI como membro do Comitê de Mídia e vice-presidente da International Weight Bearing CT Society; e ações ou opções da CurveBeam AI e da Tayco Brace.