Tattooing: immediate and long-term adverse reactions and complications

Arh Hig Rada Toksikol. 2024 Dec 29;75(4):219-227. doi: 10.2478/aiht-2024-75-3921. eCollection 2024 Dec 1.


Tattooing has become a popular global trend in industrialised countries, with the highest prevalence rates of up to 30-40 % in the adult population younger than 40 years. Common tattoo inks may contain heavy metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and primary aromatic amines, toxic if exceeding permissible limits. It is estimated that about 14.36 mg of ink is injected per cm2 of skin, at a depth of 1-3 mm. The injected pigment is internalised by neutrophils, fibroblasts, and macrophages or dendritic cells. About 60-90 % of the pigment is then transported to the lymph nodes via the lymphatic system and to other organs, such as the liver, spleen, and lung, through blood. Adverse reactions can be immediate (irritation, infection, inflammation of the skin), delayed (hypersensitivity reactions), and can result in long-term complications (fibrosis, granulomatous changes, systemic inflammation, and sometimes malignant diseases such as lymphoma). Pigments in tattooed skin can be identified by skin biopsy, chemical imaging, and histochemical and immunohistochemical analyses. Harmful effects of tattoo inks have been investigated ex vivo, in vitro, in vivo, and recently in silico. Studies in humans mainly refer to case reports, but there are no epidemiological studies that would evaluate the potential links between tattoos and cancer or other disorders. As the safety of people getting tattoos primarily depends on the quality of tattooing products, it is necessary to create a general regulatory framework.

Tetoviranje je postalo popularan sveopći trend u industrijaliziranim zemljama, s najvišim stopama prevalencije, do 30–40 % u odrasloj populaciji do 40 godina. Uobičajene tinte za tetoviranje mogu sadržavati toksične metale, policikličke aromatske ugljikovodike i primarne aromatske amine, kemijske spojeve koji imaju toksični učinak ako su prisutni u tinti iznad dopuštenih granica. U kožu se tijekom tetoviranja ubrizgava oko 14,36 mg tinte po cm2 u dubinu od 1 do 3 mm. Pigment ubrizgan u kožu internaliziraju neutrofili, fibroblasti i makrofagi ili dendritične stanice. Oko 60–90 % pigmenta prenosi se limfotokom ili krvotokom od kože do limfnih čvorova, a zatim dijelom do drugih organa, npr. jetre, slezene i pluća. Nuspojave unošenja boje za tetoviranje u kožu mogu biti neposredne (iritacija, infekcija, upala kože), odgođene (reakcije preosjetljivosti) ili dugoročne (fibroza, granulomatozne promjene, sistemske upale, ponekad i zloćudne bolesti, npr. zloćudni limfomi). Štetni učinci boja za tetoviranje mogu se istražiti ex vivo i in vivo, a odnedavno i in silico testovima. Studije na ljudima uglavnom se odnose na prikaze slučajeva. Identifikacija pigmenata u tetoviranoj koži može se obaviti biopsijom kože, tehnikama kemijskoga oslikavanja te histokemijskim i imunohistokemijskim analizama. Epidemiološko istraživanje moglo bi procijeniti potencijalne veze između tetovaža, karcinoma i drugih poremećaja. Za sigurnost ljudi koji se tetoviraju potrebno je stvoriti opće regulatorne okvire.

Keywords: fibrosis; fibroza; granulomatous changes; granulomatozne promjene; hypersensitivity reactions; infection; inflammation of the skin; iritacija; irritation; malignant diseases; reakcije preosjetljivosti; sistemske upale; systemic inflammation; tattoo ink; tinta za tetoviranje; upala kože; zloćudne bolesti.

Publication types

  • Review

MeSH terms

  • Adult
  • Coloring Agents / adverse effects
  • Coloring Agents / toxicity
  • Female
  • Humans
  • Ink
  • Male
  • Tattooing* / adverse effects


  • Coloring Agents