The use of activated sludge models (ASMs) is a common way in the field of wastewater engineering in terms of plant design, development, optimization, and testing of stand-alone treatment plants. The focus of this study was the development of a joint control system (JCS) for a municipal wastewater treatment plant (mWWTP) and an upstream industrial wastewater treatment plant (iWWTP) to create synergies for saving aeration energy. Therefore, an ASM3 + BioP model of the mWWTP was developed to test different scenarios and to find the best set-points for the novel JCS. A predictive equation for the total nitrogen load (TN) coming from the iWWTP was developed based on real-time data. The predictive TN equation together with an optimized aeration strategy, based on the modelling results, was implemented as JCS. First results of the implementation of the JCS in the real environment showed an increase in energy efficiency for TN removal.
Keywords: SIMBA#; activated sludge model (ASM); industrial symbiosis; joint control system; prediction; wastewater treatment.
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