Kuafuorterviruses, a novel major lineage of reverse-transcribing viruses

Virus Evol. 2024 Dec 19;10(1):veae110. doi: 10.1093/ve/veae110. eCollection 2024.


Reverse-transcribing viruses (RTVs) characterized by reverse transcription required for their replication infect nearly all the eukaryotes. After decades of extensive analyses and discoveries, the understanding of the diversity of RTVs has largely stagnated. Herein, we discover a previously neglected lineage of RTVs, designated Kuafuorterviruses, in animals. Through screening over 8000 eukaryote genomes, we identify the presence of endogenous Kuafuorterviruses in the genomes of 169 eumetazoans dispersed across 11 animal phyla. Phylogenetic analyses and sequence similarity networks indicate that Kuafuorterviruses constitute a novel major lineage of RTVs. The discovery of Kuafuorterviruses refines our understanding of the diversity, evolution, and classification of RTVs and has implications in annotating animal genomes.

Keywords: retrotransposons; reverse transcribing virus; transposable elements; virus evolution.