Gastric ulcer (GU) is a common digestive system disease. Acupuncture, as one of the external treatments of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), has the characteristics of multi-target, multi-pathway and multi-level action in the treatment of GU. The relationship between meridian points and Zang-fu is an important part of the theory of TCM, which is crucial for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. There is an external and internal link between acupoints and Zang-fu. The pathological reaction of Zang-fu can manifest as acupoint sensitization, while stimulation of acupoints can play a therapeutic role in the internal Zang-fu. Therefore, the acupoint has the functions of reflecting and treating diseases. This review explores the tender points on the body surface of patients with GU and the rules of acupoint selection. In addition, Zusanli (ST36), as one of the most used acupoints of the stomach meridian, was selected to show the mechanisms behind acupoint stimulation in the treatment of GU in greater detail, specifically in the well-studied model of the stress-induced GU (SGU). Hence, the mechanisms of acupuncture at ST36 and points commonly used in combination with ST36 to treat SGU are discussed further. Treatment effects can be achieved through anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities, gastric mucosal injury repair, and interaction with the brain-gut axis. In summary, this review provides evidence for a comprehensive understanding of the phenomena and mechanism of acupoint functions for GU. Please cite this article as: He M, Lim XY, Li J, Li L, Zhang T. Mechanisms of acupuncture at Zusanli (ST36) and its combinational acupoints for stress gastric ulcer based on the correlation between Zang-fu and acupoints. J Integr Med. 2024; Epub ahead of print.
Keywords: Acupoint function; Acupuncture; Gastric ulcer; Mechanism; Stress gastric ulcer.
Copyright © 2024 Shanghai Yueyang Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.