Background: Complex educational challenges emerge during Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) dissertation research, yet many newly hired faculty receive little preparation for the role of dissertation supervisor. The intensity and rigor of dissertation supervision are not reflected in workload calculations based on enrollments or clock hours. New faculty have few venues beyond personal experience to learn the challenges that supervision entails.
Method: This article presents reflections of two research methodologists who supervise students in a nursing science PhD program in a large research university. It explores several challenges and dilemmas that characterize the supervision process.
Results: Challenges of supervision involve dynamics of power, authority, and reputational self-protection, which reflect the paradoxical nature of the dissertation process, the distinct structure of graduate nursing education, nonlinear trajectories of doctoral learning, and risks related to the growth of generative artificial intelligence.
Conclusion: Newly hired faculty need to be prepared for the unique challenges of supervising student research. [J Nurs Educ. 2025;64(1):15-20.].