Background: Argyrosomus japonicus, a member of the Sciaenidae family, is widely distributed across the sea areas near China, Japan, Australia, and South Africa. The aim of this study is to provide a high-quality genome with new technology and to understand the sex determination mechanism of this species.
Methods: We generated a high-quality chromosome-level genome for Argyrosomus japonicus using PacBio HiFi and Hi-C sequencing technologies. To map the sex determination region, we employed re-sequencing data from 38 A. japonicus and conducted genome-wide association studies (GWASs) on sex phenotypes.
Results: Utilizing Hifiasm, we assembled a 708.8 Mb genome with a contig N50 length of 30 Mb. Based on Hi-C data, these contigs were organized into 24 chromosomes. The completeness of the assembly was assessed to be 99% using BUSCO, and over 98% according to Merqury. We identified a total of 174.57 Mb of repetitive elements and annotated 24,726 protein-coding genes in the genome. We mapped a 2.8 Mb sex determination region on chromosome 9, within which we found two sex-linked markers. Furthermore, we confirmed that the XX-XY sex determination system is adopted in A. japonicus.
Conclusions: The findings of this study provide significant insights into genetic breeding, genome evolution research, and sex control breeding in A. japonicus.
Keywords: Argyrosomus japonicus; genome assembly; sex determination; sex markers.