Anion Exchange Impedes Subsequent Cation Exchange: Ion Mobility Is Altered by Vacancies and Ion Size

Inorg Chem. 2025 Jan 20;64(2):978-985. doi: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.4c04273. Epub 2025 Jan 10.


One method of achieving spatially specific, multi-component nanoheterostructures is to combine multiple forms of post-synthetic modification. Applying cation or anion exchange to Cu2-xS nanorods creates complex nanoheterostructures. Combining such anion and cation exchanges generates a system which uncovers the interplay between these two processes and understands the cooperativity between postsynthetic modifications more broadly. Cd2+ exchange was carried out on various plasmonic and nonplasmonic Cu2-xS/Cu2-xTe nanoheterostructures to test how the presence of Te2- ions would affect the extent of Cd2+ incorporation. Three hypotheses were presented for how the presence of Cu2-xTe could alter the incorporation of Cd2+ and these were used to interpret the observed changes in the extent of Cd2+ exchange and crystalline phase of the resulting particles. We found that Te2- anion exchange impedes subsequent Cd2+ cation exchange. Low extents of Te2- exchange cause a phase change where ion mobility is slowed by a decrease in Cu+ vacancies. Higher extents of Te2- exchange slow ion mobility due to the presence of large Te2- ions.