Moral Injury and Mental Health Among US Military Service Members and Veterans

Washington (DC): Department of Veterans Affairs (US); 2024 Nov.


This report was requested by the Integrative Mental Health (IMH) initiative, supported by the VHA Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention (OMHSP), to characterize published literature on moral injury broadly across populations and to synthesize available evidence on the relationship between PMIE and MI and mental health outcomes among US Veterans and military service members. IMH’s Understanding Moral Injury project is working to address Section 506a of the STRONG Veterans Act (H.R. 6411), which directs VA to conduct research on how MI relates to the mental health needs of Veterans who served in the Armed Forces after September 11, 2001, and to identify best practices for mental health treatment among these Veterans. Findings from this review will inform these efforts and help guide future VA research on PMIE and MI.

Publication types

  • Review