Background: Australia has limited supports to help families where Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) impacts children and young people. National Organisation for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Australia (NOFASD), in conjunction with the University of Otago, New Zealand, piloted and established a 7-week online program to assist caregivers to develop strategies and supports to help their families live well in a disabling society.
Method: The online program, Families Linking with Families (FLWF), was delivered to 88 caregivers. They participated in the weekly 90-minute online program of talks, activities, and interactive conversations. A brief evaluation was undertaken.
Results: Participants reported high levels of satisfaction with the content and helpfulness of FLWF. FLWF helped caregivers increase their knowledge of, and skills in, parenting children with FASD, and equipped caregivers to nurture positive peer-to-peer relationships.
Conclusions: Specialist FASD caregiver education and support programs are beneficial for caregivers who care for children and youth with FASD. Further research through a randomised control trial could establish the efficacy of the program.
Keywords: FASD; caregivers; children; lived experience; online support; parent coaches.