Community health workers (CHWs) play a significant role in supporting health services delivery in communities with few trained health care providers. There has been limited research on ways to optimize the role of CHWs in HIV prevention service delivery. This study explored CHWs' experiences with offering HIV prevention services [HIV testing and HIV pre- and post-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP and PEP)] during three pilot studies in rural communities in Kenya and Uganda, which aimed to increase biomedical HIV prevention coverage via a structured patient-centered HIV prevention delivery model. In-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted from November 2021 to March 2022 with CHWs (N = 8) and their clients (N = 18) in the Sustainable East Africa Research in Community Health (SEARCH) SAPPHIRE study. A seven-person multi-regional team coded and analyzed data using a thematic analysis approach. CHWs offered clients PrEP and PEP refills, adherence monitoring, counseling on medications, and phone consultations. Clients reported CHWs maintained close interpersonal relationships with clients, and demonstrated trustworthiness and professionalism. Some clients reported that community members trusted the authenticity of CHWs, while others expressed concerns about the CHWs' ability to maintain confidentiality, and felt that some community members would be uncomfortable receiving HIV services from them. CHWs valued the expansion of their role to include prevention services but expressed concerns about balancing competing demands of CHW responsibilities, income-generating activities, and family roles. CHWs were well accepted as HIV prevention service providers despite contextual challenges. CHWs need ongoing training support. Establishing structures for remunerating CHWs in health systems could improve their performance and retention.
Keywords: HIV; community health worker; prevention.