The mean urea nitrogen concentration in vitreous humor (VUN) in 97 healthy steers after death was 15.7 mg/dl. The mean serum urea nitrogen concentration in the same cattle was 20.0 mg/dl. The mean vitreous creatinine (VC) concentration was 0.7 mg/dl, and the serum creatinine value was 1.5 mg/dl. The VUN and VC were both significantly lower than serum urea nitrogen and serum creatinine, respectively, but varied in a consistent, predictable manner. In tests with 10 cows, postmortem intervals as long as 36 hours and ambient temperatures up to 30 C had no significant effects on VUN and VC. Evaluation of 8 animals with uremia confirmed that the vitreous humor is a stable fluid compartment after death, usable as an indicator of serum urea nitrogen and creatinine.