Clinical evaluation of the foot is complicated because of the large number of structures, most of which are difficult to record or measure. A standardized system of evaluation is needed to assess the ever-increasing methods of treating foot abnormalities. An evaluation form for recording clinical information on forefoot operations has been designed and can be specifically used for computerized data retrieval. In designing the form, an attempt has been made to standardize methods of clinical examination (mainly on the forefoot) and enable accurate comparisons of data from similar studies in the literature. Two hundred thirty-two specific items are included in the form. More data are available on the forefoot because this part of the foot can be more readily evaluated clinically. Also, it is usually the area of the more extreme pathologic changes and largest number of procedures. Specific entries cover details of the history, physical signs, diagnosis, pain assessment, shoes, walking, function, general and surgical treatment, and complications. The form is applicable to computer methods or data retrieval.