Insulin tolerance tests were carried out in 10 acromegalic patients after 1 mg dexamethasone had been given the previous evening (DEX-ITT). Nine patients showed a rise in plasma 11-OHCS and four patients showed a rise in plasma growth hormone (GH) levels. These responses were unaltered after treatment with bromocriptine 10 mg daily for two months. Basal plasma GH levels fell in 6 of the patients and the mean plasma GH levels of the 10 patients during an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) fell from 63.2 +/- 25.5 ng/ml before treatment to 53.0 +/- 27.1 ng/ml (mean +/- sem; p less than 0.05). These data fail to confirm a previous report of abnormal hypothalmic-pituitary-adrenal suppressibility during a DEX-ITT in acromegalic patients. They also indicate that bromcriptine does not alter the responses of plasma 11-OHCS and plasma GH to the DEX-ITT despite lowering plasma GH levels.