In 139 prepubertal children and in 38 pubertal adolescents plasma levels of ACTH, cortisol, beta-lipotropin (BLPH), beta-endorphin (BEP) and dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHAS) were determined by specific radioimmunoassays directly (steroids) or after plasma purification (peptides). ACTH and cortisol concentrations remain stable during both prepuberty and puberty, while DHAS levels constantly increased from 5 to 16 years. Both BLPH and BEP increase from early infancy to late prepuberty when they reach adult values. During puberty both opioids remain constantly within the adult range. BLPH and BEP concentrations were significantly correlated to those of DHAS throughout prepuberty. These data suggest a possible role of BLPH and BEP in and/or other proopiocortin-related peptides in the development of adrenarche, while the lack of particular changes in these peptide levels during sexual maturation seems to exclude their role in gonadarche and pubertal development.