To evaluate the behaviour of the Theophylline-sensitive T lymphocytes subpopulation some modifications of the standard procedure are proposed. Lymphoprep purified lymphocytes were counted in a Neubauer hemocytometer after Acridine Orange stain, viability was evaluated by Ethidium Bromide counterstain and monocytes contamination was evaluated by the peroxidase stain. Sheep red blood cells were treated with AET, Theophylline was used at 3 mM (final concentration) and the results compared with untreated lymphocytes; the enumeration of the rosetting lymphocytes was facilitated by adding Acridine Orange prior to the resuspension. The modifications described were able to increase the % of rosetting T lymphocytes, to eliminate differences depending by different lots of sheep red blood cells and to decrease differences depending by subjective evaluation of the rosetting T lymphocytes.