An analysis of 1059 patients with clinical stage (CS) I and II Hodgkin's disease was undertaken to determine the prognostic significance of the number of involved sites. In this group of patients the number of involved lymph node areas was highly correlated with the probability of dissemination of occult disease. In the subgroup of patients with involvement of two lymph node sites (CS II2) approximately 50% demonstrated occult dissemination on the other side of the diaphragm as evidenced by subsequent relapse in the untreated subdiaphragmatic region. However, only 15% to 20% of this group had unsuspected disease in regions other than the spleen or the paraaortic lymph nodes. In CS I and II2 supradiaphragmatic patients, who underwent a staging laparotomy, splenic involvement was a powerful prognostic indicator. When the spleen was not involved, less than 10% of patients had disease elsewhere below the diaphragm, whereas, when the spleen was involved as many as 40% of patients had additional subdiaphragmatic sites involved. In the subgroup with three or more lymph node areas involved (CS II3), the proportion of patients with extension of disease on the other side of the diaphragm, as evidenced by later relapse was also about 50%. But in these patients, unlike the CS II2 patients, analysis of relapse patterns showed that occult disease had already disseminated to the pelvic nodes or to extra nodal sites. Furthermore, splenic involvement was of much less prognostic significance because CS II3 patients who did not demonstrate splenic involvement at staging laparotomy had similar relapse incidence and similar relapse patterns as those with positive spleens.