This paper reports the five-year follow-up (range, 1-8 years) of 56 patients with pathologic stage IIIA Hodgkin's disease randomized for chemotherapy alone or chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy to previous areas of disease (26 treated with mustine, vinblastine, procarbazine, and prednisolone [MVPP] alone, 30 with MVPP and radiotherapy). Of the 56 patients 53 (95%) achieved a complete remission with chemotherapy and of these only five (9%) have relapsed; three died of Hodgkin's disease. There was no improvement in relapse-free survival associated with the uses of radiotherapy following chemotherapy but in view of the small numbers of relapses and the excellent results following chemotherapy alone, a significant improvement could not be expected. The use of MVPP alone can be recommended as an alternative therapy for patients with stage IIIA Hodgkin's disease. This avoids both the physical and psychologic morbidity associated with the high relapse rate following extensive primary radiotherapy and the necessity of combined modality treatment for about half these patients. The question of whether radiotherapy should be given to areas of previous bulk following chemotherapy has not yet been answered in this trial which is continuing.