Two cases of congestive heart failure in utero with fetal hydrops are reported. The diagnosis was made during pregnancy by means of echography. Cardiac failure, derived from supraventricular tachycardia not associated with structural anomalies of the heart, was observed in one of the patients. By digoxin administration and vagal stimulation the rhythm reverted to sinus, one hour after birth. In the second case fetal echography showed a fetus with serious bradycardia (45/min.) and ascites. On the bases of a median located and symmetric liver and of a complex heart malformation a diagnosis of "isomeric syndrome" was supposed. One hour after vaginal delivery, the newborn dead and autopsy confirmed a left isomeric syndrome with polisplenia and complex congenital cardiopathy (left ventricle and mitral hypoplasy, double outlet right ventricle, pulmonary stenosis, anomalous systemic and pulmonary venous return).