Fifteen patients with advanced or recurrent gynecologic malignancy were treated with high-dose methotrexate (HDMTX) (1-8 g/M2) and citrovorum factor rescue (10-100 mg/M2). One complete response (13%) and two improved responses occurred in eight patients (25%) with squamous cell carcinoma and one of seven patients (14%) with nonsquamous nontrophoblastic carcinoma had stable disease for 7 months. The median duration of survival in the squamous group was 9 months and in the nonsquamous groups 6.5 months. Mean serum MTX concentrations were proportional to the doses administered and typical two compartment plasma disappearance curves were seen. Adverse toxic reactions were not observed at serum MTX levels less than 7.8 X 10(-7) M at 24 hr and 1 X 10(-7) M at 48 hr post-MTX. Hematopoietic toxicity occurred most frequently with leukopenia observed in 19.5% of courses. Hepatic, renal, gastrointestinal, and dermatologic toxicities were observed infrequently. Drug-induced nephrotoxicity occurred in one patient and possibly related leukoencephalopathy occurred in another patient. On the basis of the relatively low response rate observed in this trial and the high expense of HDMTX therapy, the value of such therapy may be limited in advanced nontrophoblastic gynecologic cancer.