To define the hemodynamic effects of local dental anesthesia, we measured the mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate, and plasma catecholamine responses for 60 minutes following an inferior alveolar nerve block with epinephrine-and nonepinephrine-containing lidocaine hydrochloride anesthesia in 14 men using a randomized double-blind crossover trial. Lidocaine alone caused no significant change in MAP or heart rate and only slight, transient changes in plasma catecholamine concentrations when compared with baseline values. Lidocaine with epinephrine caused significant, sustained (60 minutes) increases in plasma epinephrine concentrations (mean +/- SEM, 27 +/- 4 to 94 +/- 13 pg/mL) and a slight, but transient (two-minute) increase in heart rate from 68 +/- 3 to 70 +/- 3 beats per minute. Lidocaine with epinephrine caused no significant change in MAP. There is no significant hemodynamic response to lidocaine dental anesthesia (with or without epinephrine) in healthy young men.