Cytogenetic studies of recombination in males of Drosophila ananassae were carried out by examining F1 males derived from he mating of marker females, b se; bri ru of the BS stock, with males of two wild strans, TNG and L8. The male recombination values in both sections b-se (chromosome 2) and bri-ru (chromosome 3) are high in TNG F1 but extremely low in L8 F1. We demonstrate the presence of chiasmata in TNG F1 males at a frequency capable of accounting for the observed recombination values. A unique series of "iso-site aberrations" was also observed in TNG F1 males. Because of a parallelism in the distribution pattern between the chiasmata and the iso-site aberrations, we propose that recombination in males of D. ananassae is meiotic in origin and that the iso-site aberrations are related to chiasma formation.