The Authors report their own casuistry of malignant tumours of exocrine pancreas, collected in the period from 1970 up to 1981. The question was of 214 cases, namely 136 of head and 78 of body-tail or diffused. The male/female ratio was 2.3:1, the most affected decades were 6th and 7th, with a range of 27-86 years. The resecability was 27% for tumours of head and 24% for those of tail; the operative mortality was 10.8% and 17.6% respectively; the survival after 3 years was 6.8% (head) and 5.8% (body-tail), after 5 years 6% (head) and zero (body-tail). In analysing the etiopathogenetic rôle of some factors and some pathological associations, the Authors particularly point out the predisposing rôle of both tobacco smoke and diabetes, remarked in 50% and 33% of the cases observed, respectively. From a symptomatologic standpoint, the symptoms are subdivided into initial symptoms (retrospectively interpreted as first manifestation of the disease), symptoms of alarma (leading to the attending physician's), symptoms at the entrance (hospitalization), and importance is given to the exploitation of the initial symptoms for the purpose to reach a diagnosis as precocious as possible, since 40% of the tumours of head are hospitalized only after 8-16 weeks and 33% of the tumours of body-tail after 16-32 weeks from the arising of the first symptom.