A characteristic effect of bulls on the distribution of rudimentary teats in their daughters was demonstrated by the study of the influence of the genotype on the location of extra teats. The comparison of the mother--daughter pairs showed that the concordance of location of a single teat either on the right or on the left between the mother and daughter was found in 86.40% of all cases, whereas discordance was found just in 13.60% of the examined pairs. Concordance in the distance of rudimentary teats in a caudal direction from the rear teat was observed in 61.00% of the cases and discordance in 39.00% of the pairs. In 16 pairs of dizygotic twins, a congruence was also found in the majority of cases between the sibs as well as between the heifers and their mothers. In the whole set of cows under study, rudimentary teats located caudally represented 87.88% of all extra teats, small teats between the normal fore and rear teats represented 2.74%, rudimentary teats at the rear teats 9.03% and those at the fore teats 0.35%.